Statement of Intent
- To process your application for a Deed of Covenant, the Donor is required to complete this Statement of Intent, to facilitate the preparation of the Deed of Covenant, to be registered at the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR).
- Kindly ensure that you submit your precise BIR Registered Name and BIR Registered Address
- Stamp Duty is charged by the BIR for each Deed of Covenant to be registered, payable on application
- Board of Inland Revenue calculates the Stamp Duty as follows: 0.50¢ for every $250.00 or part thereof (i.e., $2 per $1,000) X number of years on the Deed of Covenant
- Deed of Covenant Administrative Fee is payable to the Archbishop’s Appeal, either separately or via deduction from donation. Kindly tick the appropriate box
- Acceptable methods of payment towards Deed of Covenant – Cash, Cheque, Standing Order, Online Bank Transfer, Direct Deposit, Direct Parish Payment. Kindly make cheques payable to RC ABP POS / ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL. For online bank transfers, kindly ensure your name, with note regarding donation toward Deed of Covenant is included when completing transfer details
- If paying via Standing Order, kindly provide a copy of the proof of transaction
- If paying via Online Bank Transfers or Direct Deposit, kindly provide a copy of the Confirmation of Transaction, as proof of payment
- If paying directly to the Parish, kindly provide a copy of the official Parish Receipt as proof of payment